I like to end my PWO meals with some low-fat ice cream. This is a favorite of mine. |
A fresh garden salad, a monster cheeseburger, and marinated then grilled chicken breast with my signature sauce with some roasted potatoes and sweet potatoes.
Sheppards pie for a PWO St. Patty's day feast. Mounds of mashed potatoes and gravy, ground beef, corn, peas, carrots, and assorted other veggies all baked in the oven and sprinkled with melty cheese. Not pictured: The clean up crew: toasted bread with non-fat butter spray. |
Post workout comfort food. Creamy mashed potatoes and gravy, peas and carrots, potatoes and chicken breast roasted in herbs and spices, and for cleanup, some toasty bread with non-fat butter spray.
Moderate sized Pre Workout Meal. Grilled chicken breast covered in my signature sauce, green beans, potato, and some corn on the cob.

On rest days, I keep it high protein, higher fat, and plenty of fibrous veggies and fruit. Here's some roasted brisket, grilled chicken breast (with my signature sauce of course) and some filling veggies. For dessert, I've gotta have the cottage cheese and berries. Very satiating.
There you go, some of the meals I've been eating lately. Stay tuned for more delicious updates.